Mission Statement

Our mission is that of hospitality. As Ushers, we provide the general care of our worship space and create a welcoming environment so that all may celebrate the Sacred Liturgy as the holy people of God who become one in Christ.

What are the Activities of this Ministry?

Ushers are the visible ministers who provide personal service and courtesies to parishioners before, during, and after Mass.  This includes welcoming, seating, helping to make people with special needs cared for and comfortable, and offering any assistance needed by parishioners and guests.

Ushers are also responsible for taking up the collection, directing the Eucharistic procession during the Mass and distributing the parish bulletins and other materials after Mass. Ushers also answer questions, seat late arrivals, point out restrooms and other facility directions. Ushers also help with emergencies.  As the custodians of the church, Ushers straighten, organize, and secure the church insuring that everything is in order upon leaving the facility.

This special ministry is open to all parishioners; men and women, teenagers and senior-citizens. We encourage you to consider this very rewarding ministry at St. Robert.

Contact: Jim Stone