Hans Whitmer
Director of Faith Formation
(616) 676-9111 ext 113
The passing on of our Catholic tradition depends on the witness of adults in continuing their own faith development. The quality of faith formation for children and youth is directly related to an adult community that is well-formed in the Catholic faith. Thus, our primary focus is on adult faith formation. Many adults long for a deeper personal experience of God and involvement in a community of faith. We provide opportunities to satisfy the spiritual hunger of adults and to talk about the importance of Jesus Christ in their lives.
Updated programming details, including a full schedule of formation sessions and events, COMING SOON!

Register for Free at https://strobertchurch.formed.org
With your free access to FORMED, 24/7 on your smartphone, computer, iPad, or Kindle, you can:
- Prepare for Mass each week by watching an insightful five-minute video on the Sunday Readings;
- Enjoy movies as a family that are both nourishing and entertaining;
- Enrich your marriage with the award-winning video program Beloved; and
- Help your children grow in faith and character with engaging children’s materials.
The Rescue Project
We live our lives according to the stories we believe…but what if there is another story? That story is the Gospel: explosive, extraordinary, and life-changing news!
The Rescue Project is a nine-week, small group experience surrounded by food, conversation, and prayer. Discover a new way of seeing reality, of making sense of the world and life that is vastly different from the story our modern culture sells. Embark on the great adventure that is following Jesus and continuing His mission of the rescuing of this world.
The Rescue Project is for teens and adults. Whether you’ve been walking with Jesus for years or if you only view Jesus as a figure in ancient history – JOIN US!
So…What’s YOUR Story? Experience this life-altering program for yourself! Join us this fall as we transform our hearts and souls and discover the answers to questions we’ve been longing for.
Pick your time – all are welcome!
7:15 TO 8:45 P.M.:
September 24
October 1, 8, 15, 22, 29
November 5, 12, 19
9:45 TO 11:30 A.M. or
6:45 TO 8:00 P.M.
September 25
October 2, 9, 16, 23, 30
November 6, 13, 20
That Man Is You!
Meets Fridays, starting September 16th from 6:00-7:30 am in the Parish Life Center.
Men of all ages, Catholic and non-Catholic are welcome!!
Contact Al Juarez for more information: 616.550.9996 Email
Bible Studies
Adults interested in learning more about the Bible and who want an opportunity to share their faith stories with others are invited to participate in a Bible study group. No previous experience is necessary to participate in any group. Materials are provided with your registration.
Throughout the year, women of our parish and the larger community are invited to participate in events to help them be more Alive, Loving, Inspired, Vibrant, and Engaged.
Our 2024-2025 season will be on a the following Tuesdays, from 7:00 – 8:30 pm:
- December 3, 2024
- March 4, 2025
If you are interested in joining the Women ALIVE team, we’d love to have you help us plan and coordinate events!
Contact: Jolana Peard
Adult Faith Formation Online Resources
Faith formation is a life-long process. In our tech-savvy world, there are a variety of web resources to help you enhance your spiritual growth.
- Catholic Information Center
- Diocese of Grand Rapids
- Dominican Center at Marywood
- FAITH Grand Rapids magazine
- Ignatian Spirituality
- Loyola Press
- Our Sunday Visitor
- Virtual Learning Community– Provides on-line courses in theology, scripture, sacraments, liturgy and many others for catechists. The Diocese of Grand Rapids is a partner and can provide the five week courses at a reduced rate of $40 per person.
- Word on Fire