Our Liturgical Ministries enhance our Mass experience. Each facet is a service that helps our faith community worship together.

How do I get started? Click on the Liturgical Ministries below to learn more about them!

Altar Linens

Altar Linens and Purificators Volunteers in this ministry wash and iron the purificators, corporals, and towels used weekly at Mass on a monthly rotation in…

Altar Servers

Youth in grades 4th grade or older are invited to join the altar server ministry. Altar servers assist the priest during the mass, and have…

Art & Environment

Art and environment play a crucial role in honoring God within and around Saint Robert of Newminster Catholic Church. These elements are not merely decorative…

Extraordinary Ministers of the Eucharist

Do you hold a special place in your heart for the Body and Blood of Christ? Men and women who wish to distribute the Eucharist…


Do you love the Word of God? Lectors proclaim the Word of God at the weekend liturgies as well as help with the readings at…


Mission Statement Our mission is that of hospitality. As Ushers, we provide the general care of our worship space and create a welcoming environment so…

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