At SRN, we believe in building a strong sense of community amongst our parishioners through shared experiences and support, going beyond just attending Mass to actively participating in each other’s lives.

How do I get started? Click on the Community & Fellowship Ministries below to learn more about them!

Coffee & Donuts

Meet and greet old friends and make some new friends.  Join us in serving your fellow parishioners and welcome new members of St. Robert’s after…

Family Dinners

You asked. We listened. Family Dinners return to SRN for the 2024-2025 Faith Formation year! Join us for dinner most Wednesday evenings at 6:00 p.m.…

Golf, Men’s League

The St. Robert Golf League is a 9-hole men's league, comprised of 112 full time members, with 56 two-man teams. We play on Monday evenings…


Adults age 55+ are invited to join other Older, Wiser, Livelier Seniors parishioners in the Parish Life Center on the second Friday of each month,…

Pancake Breakfast

Busy morning getting everyone ready for Mass? Let the Knights of Columbus handle breakfast! Enjoy a yummy meal of pancakes, eggs, and sausage or bacon…

The Flock Mom’s Group

Join Our Mailing List! Read Our Newsletters! Our Mission is to provide mothers with a place to nurture faith, hope, and charity, to grow in…

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