Faith Formation Programming Policies & Procedures

Closings & Cancellations

Faith formation sessions are automatically cancelled when Forest Hills Public Schools cancel classes due to weather conditions. If bad weather starts just prior to session times, a cancellation will be communicated to catechists and families via email, will be posted on the parish website and social media channels, and will be reported to local media.

Food & Snacks

No food or snacks will be allowed in the rooms. Parents are responsible for ensuring their children eat before entering the learning space. (There may be exceptions for lesson-related activities, as approved in advance by the Pastoral Associates.)

Parent Participation

There are a number of ways parents may get involved in faith formation and parish activities. Information will be available at the Faith Formation Recruitment Weekend in early September and as events are planned. Parents are always welcome and encouraged to visit their children’s faith formation sessions.

Drop Off & Pick Up

In order to maintain safety and security, the standard procedure for dropping off and picking up children in the Sunday Preschool-Kindergarten and Elementary programs is for parents or other authorized adults to escort their children to and pick up their children from their learning spaces/rooms. Middle school faith formation students may sign themselves in and out, but parents are encouraged to escort them in and out of the building.


Participants of St Roberts faith formation activities may have their pictures taken for use in promotion of parish programs. Parents/guardians designate their option for photo release on the Photo Release section on the registration form.


Because approximately 500 children participate in faith formation sessions, we cannot take special requests for placement with friends or certain catechists. All placement is done in a practical manner.


In the event of a Tornado, learners will be escorted to the inner hallway and rooms and be seated facing the wall with a book over their necks and heads. Tornado drills will be held during session times at the beginning of the year.

In the event of a Fire, learners will be escorted out the nearest exit to the back of the parking lot where attendance will be taken. Parents will meet us at the back of the parking lot and must sign out their children with the catechist before taking their children away. Fire drills will be held during session times at the beginning of the year.

If a student is injured, appropriate First Aid will be performed. In the case of a minor injury, faith formation staff will perform basic first aid, and parents will be notified as soon as possible. In the case of an injury requiring professional medical attention, faith formation staff will contact 911 for emergency treatment and will contact the learners’ parents or the designated emergency contact. Medical Treatment Release is obtained through the registration process.

Sports & Appointments

We discourage early dismissal of learners for other activities. If this situation arises occasionally, parents are required to notify the Faith Formation Office.

Student Conduct

St Robert Faith Formation learners are expected to be respectful of catechists, fellow learners, and church property. Restitution for any damage incurred by a student is the responsibility of the student and/or his/her parents/guardians. If a student is disrespectful to the catechist or fellow learners or damages church property, the following steps will be taken:

  • The catechist will give the student a warning.
  • If a second correction is needed during the same class session, the student is sent to the Faith Formation Office to complete an assigned activity.
  • The student will complete a Responsible Action Form and give this to the staff person in charge. A copy of the form may be sent home to parents/guardians. The original will be kept in Faith Formation office files.
  • If a student is sent to the office for a second time during a six-week period, parents/guardians will be asked to come in for a consultation with the staff.