Hans Whitmer
Director of Faith Formation
(616) 676-9111 ext 113

The passing on of our Catholic tradition depends on the witness of adults in continuing their own faith development. The quality of faith formation for children and youth is directly related to an adult community that is well-formed in the Catholic faith. Thus, our primary focus is on adult faith formation. Many adults long for a deeper personal experience of God and involvement in a community of faith. We provide opportunities to satisfy the spiritual hunger of adults and to talk about the importance of Jesus Christ in their lives.

Adult Bible Studies (All Adults)

Adults eager to deepen their understanding of the Bible and share their faith stories are warmly invited to join our Bible Study groups. From September to December and January to May, we offer unique study programs designed to help our SRN faith community grow in a loving relationship with Christ. No prior experience is needed to join any group, and all materials are provided upon registration. Keep an eye on the bulletin for specific registration information.

Contact: Hans Whitmer, Director of Faith Formation
(616) 676-9111 ext 117 or

Sunday Scripture Reflection Bible Study (All Adults)

TUESDAY, 9 am – 11 am, Marian Hall room 112.

Who? Attendees are adult women and men who are age 18 and older. Some have participated for decades. Some of us are lectors—and these sessions help us to be better lectors. There are usually six to 12 attendees each Tuesday. In winter some of us head south, and in summer some of us spend time at cottages.

What? We meet as follows: socialize, open with a prayer, have a Getting To Know You-icebreaker segment (for instance Do you have a good memory of our ‘old church building’, How do you prepare for the birth of the baby Jesus, What are your bedtime prayers, What is one of your favorite vacations?), list our prayer requests, and then read aloud and review the weekend scriptures-Readings 1 and 2, the Responsorial Psalm, and the Gospel.

When? We meet at 9 am on Tuesday mornings year around, discuss our week, strengthen our friendships, and share a morning snack. These snacks have included fresh fruit home-made cookies, strawberry rhubarb pie, birthday cake, fresh pineapple, Hostess Snoballs, Little Debbie muffins, nectarines and… Our reflections begin at 9:30 am and finish promptly at 11 am. On occasion we then share lunch at a local restaurant, share home-prepared lunches in our meeting room, or have lunch at an attendee’s home. On those rare Tuesday mornings we do not meet it is because of the occasional challenges of West Michigan winter weather. And one of your Tuesday Morning friends may be able to drive you to and from our sessions as needed. These 90-minute sessions may become one of the highlights of your St Robert’s faith life!

Where? We meet in Marian Hall Room 112. There are tables and seats for up to 30. Parking is available just outside Door A leading to Marian Hall (and the parish office)—which is helpful for those who have difficulty walking. On occasion we have been invited to meet in the home of one of the regular attendees.

How? We begin by considering the theme of the upcoming weekend readings, and then we read each scripture passage from the Lectionary (A Workbook for Lectors, Gospel Readers and Proclaimers of the Word is provided to each attendee). After each scripture passage we share our answers to questions about how we understand or feel about that passage. All attendees are gently invited to participate in the questions and answers.

Sample discussion questions:

  • How difficult do you think it was for the Israelites exiled to Babylon to retain their faith in God?
  • Are you surprised to read that the people of Israel found favor in the law, had fear of the Lord, and abided by the rules passed on to them by Moses?
  • Do you believe the Corinthian community so loved by St. Paul may have been very much like our dynamic, talented, vibrant, deeply divided citizens of the USA in 2025?
  • Are you able to compare and contrast Jesus and Caesar as savior, messiah, and lord?

Why? We have become close friends over the months and years we have spent Tuesday mornings together. Our Tuesday morning friends welcome your sharing your faith with them. We also become more prepared to listen to the readings at weekend Mass. And we anticipate the weekend homilies in comparison to our own reflections of the readings.

You are invited! If you wish, simply appear on a Tuesday morning at 9 am and meet us as new or ‘already’ friends and neighbors. We believe you will grow to love us and these 90 minutes with wonderful people and God’s word. Or you can contact Tom Hackett at (616) 724-2720 to talk about these sessions before ‘diving in’ or email Tom at!

That Man Is You! (Adult Men)

That Man Is You! (TMIY) is an interactive men’s program focused on the development of male leadership in the modern world. It combines the best research from science, with the teachings of the Catholic faith and the wisdom of the saints, to develop the vision of authentic men capable of transforming themselves, their families, and greater society. This group meets every Friday at 6:00 a.m. in the Parish Life Center, September through May.

Join today!

Contact: Al Juarez
(616) 550-9996 or

Women ALIVE (Adult Women)

Twice a year, typically during Lent and Advent, women of our parish and the larger community, are invited to participate in events to help them be more Alive, Loving, Inspired, Vibrant, and Engaged. Details on each event are posted on our Upcoming Events page and in the weekly bulletin.

We need help to prepare for these events! Contact Jolana Peard, Pastoral Associate for Elementary and Women ALIVE Ministries, if you would like to assist at (616) 676-9111 ext 123 or

Women’s Bible Study (Adult Women)

All women of the parish are invited to join us as we explore, study, pray, and celebrate the Word of God! Our goal is to always seek the understanding of Scripture and to grow spiritually through its message from the Living God—Father, Son, and Holy Spirit! Various books of the Bible are studied throughout the year. We meet weekly on Wednesdays at 9:40 a.m. in Marian Hall, September to May.

Contact: Hans Whitmer, Director of Faith Formation
(616) 676-9111 ext 117 or