Honoring the Feast of our Patron Saint

Today (Friday, June 7) is the feast of our patron saint, St. Robert of Newminster! To commemorate this special day, we will have a first class relic of St. Robert of Newminster on display for veneration at 6:00 p.m. in the Sanctuary. Fr. Weber will lead us in Evening Prayer (Liturgy of the Hours). A first class relic is a physical object that is directly associated with a saint. It can be parts or fragments of a saint, such as bone, hair, or flesh. We have a piece of bone.

What is Veneration?

Similar to how we might keep a cherished possession of a deceased family member, the Church has always preserved the relics of the martyrs and saints. By venerating relics, we give thanks to God for the saints’ holy lives and pray for the grace to imitate them. We can also ask saints to pray to God for us, for others, and for our special intentions. However, the Church is quick to remind us that a relic is not magical. It is not the actual object of the relic itself that brings grace or causes a miracle. Grace and healing come from God alone.

How do I Venerate a Relic?

When venerating a relic it is appropriate to honor the saint by performing a simple exterior gesture. We can kiss or touch the glass case that houses the relic, or simply stand near the relic in a prayerful attitude while invoking the intercession of the saint. Please keep in mind that we should not genuflect before the relic in a way similar to genuflecting before the Blessed Sacrament. Genuflection is a sign of adoring Christ who is truly present in the consecrated hosts which are kept inside the tabernacle.

Other Relics for Veneration

We will have eight additional first class relics on display from the following martyrs: Pope St. Urban I, St. Vincent, St. Florian, St. Adrian, St. Anselm, St. Boniface, St. Agapitus, and St. Vitus. Join us!

First Class Relic of St. Robert of Newminster

First Class Relics of Saints Boniface, Agapitus, Pope Urban I, and Vitus

First Class Relics of Saints Vincent, Florian, Adrian, and Anselm


© 2024

St. Robert of Newminster Catholic Church
6477 Ada Drive Southeast, Ada, MI 49301
(616) 676-9111