March 2025
Dear Parishioners,
Thank you for being part of our vibrant faith community. We have an incredible update to share that reflects the growth and generosity of our parish family.
Earlier this month, a generous donor stepped forward to make a $1 million gift to our Together in Christ campaign! This gift is joined with hundreds of other gifts and pledges from our parish community, and we are beyond grateful.
Through the Together in Christ campaign, we are seeking to grow our parish in size, in service to others and in missionary spirit. Marian Hall is complete and construction on the school expansion continues at a steady pace. The aim of this renovation and expansion is fourfold: to create a haven for community where parish members can come together to build relationships, foster joy and celebrate our faith; to nurture our Catholic faith; to empower our growing school, creating new classrooms and facilities where our students have the space and resources to thrive, and, with future generations in mind, to pave the way for a legacy of love, faith and community.
As a reminder, the estimated project scope is $19.5 million. Because of a number of lead donors who came forward at the outset of the campaign, the fundraising goal for the wider parish community is $3.7 million. With this new $1 million gift, our parish wide fundraising total has now reached $2,859,476: 77% of the $3.7 million! As we look out on the campaign horizon, achieving our parish wide goal is within sight, and with the full engagement of our community, both through prayer and financial support, we feel confident about bringing this campaign over the finish line.
Our efforts have been boosted through advanced pledges as well as donor matching, a challenge presented at the outset of the campaign through the generosity of several donors. These benevolent donors believe so wholeheartedly in the campaign and its impact on the future of our parish that the match has been extended into 2025. The match is a tremendous opportunity to increase the impact of your gift or pledge. If you haven’t yet contributed to Together in Christ, Lent is the perfect time to make your pledge, as almsgiving is one of the key pillars of this sacred season. To assist you in prayerfully and responsibly evaluating a pledge amount that works for your family’s budget, we have included a sacrificial giving guide below. While there are many ways to give, a pledge paid over three years may be the most affordable. As an example, a three-year pledge of $5,000 breaks down to a monthly payment of $139. To make your pledge or gift and to learn more, please visit
Let us continue to turn to and rely upon Christ, our hope, as we journey through this Lenten season toward the joyful celebration of Easter. Please continue to pray for one another and for the success of this campaign.
Yours in faith and gratitude,