REMINDER: If you receive a text message, email or messages through Facebook messenger or elsewhere from someone claiming to be your pastor or associate pastor with an urgent request for money or gift cards, DO NOT RESPOND or GIVE. It’s a scam.
Parishioners around the Diocese of Grand Rapids and other dioceses nationwide have been targeted by these fraudsters. Your pastor or associate pastor will never contact a parishioner directly in this way with an emergency request for cash or gift cards. If you receive any such message, or if you’re not sure about a text or email you’ve received, do not engage. Instead contact the parish office at (616) 676-9111 to notify a staff member.
In addition, please note that neither our parish, nor the diocese will ever sell or give away parishioners’ personal information. For additional information about what to know and how to act if you receive one of these messages, visit the Diocese of Grand Rapids website at