WOW – What a Week!

Faith Formation at all levels kicked off last week! From the Nursery to Adult Formation, our programs are back in full swing, and we are SO EXCITED!


Week One may be in the books, but there is still time to register for our programs. Visit for all our programming details and a calendar of events for the year.


Family Dinners Return!

Last week also brought the return of our Family Dinners after almost 5 years! Thank you to our Faith Formation team and the Knights of Columbus for reviving this parish favorite event. Check out the photos below from our kickoff night, courtesy of Ted Wright and Elizabeth Webber.

Join our Family Dinners any week! We gather most Wednesdays from 6:00 to 6:45 p.m. in Newminster Hall. Please ensure you RSVP first to ensure we have enough food and supplies for everyone in attendance. A freewill offering will be accepted to help cover the cost of supplies.


October is Respect Life Month

Every October the Catholic Church in the US celebrates Respect Life Month. As Catholics, we are called to cherish, defend, and protect all life, from conception to natural death and every point in between! Click here to read the official Respect Life Month 2024 statement from Bishop Michael Burbidge, Chairman of the USCCB Committee on Pro-Life Activities. Here are some ways you can support life this October:

40 Days for Life

Can you pray for one hour to end abortion? Join us on Thursday, October 10 and pray for one hour (7:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m.) outside Planned Parenthood., located at 425 Cherry Street SE.


Renucci House

The Renucci Hospitality House provides affordable, home-like accommodations for families whose loved ones are hospitalized at Butterworth and Blodgett hospitals and Helen DeVos Children’s Hospital.  St. Robert’s will provide a dinner for these families the first Monday of every month.  We need volunteers at the Renucci house to cook, serve and clean up after the meal.  We also need volunteers to prepare desserts.  We start at 4:00 p.m. and finish about 7:30 p.m. Contact Anna Crawley to volunteer!


Degage Lunches

On the first Friday of every month, a team gathers at SRN to prepare and serve lunch at Degage Ministry downtown. We are in need of a leader for this ministry! Responsibilities include coordinating volunteers, purchasing food and supplies (paid for by the parish), and cleaning. This role only requires a few hours of your time every month. If you’re interested in serving, contact Randy Heldt.


Adopt-a-Family and Project Santa Claus

Each year, parishioners at SRN are paired with needy families in Grand Rapids to provide them with a special meal for Thanksgiving and Christmas through the Adopt-a-Family program. Look for more details soon on how YOU can be involved!

Operation Santa Claus is a community program that provides food, clothing, and toys to underprivileged families in the Ada/Cascade area. Volunteers are needed to call on families in need, shop for gifts, sort food, wrap gifts, and make deliveries. Contact Marie Russell for more details and to serve in this ministry!


Trunk-or-Treat is ON! Join us on Thursday, October 24 from 5:30 to 7:00 p.m. for a night of family fun at Noto’s Old World Italian Dining, located at 6600 28th St SE. Thank you to the Noto Family for allowing us to use your facilities during this transformative time in our parish! Please bring diapers to benefit St. Gianna’s No Cost Baby Pantry and new socks, hats, and gloves for our Sock Hop/Sock Wrap Parish Service Project!


Don’t worry about cooking dinner that night! Noto’s will offer whole pizzas for $25 and pizza by the slice for $3.50 (pre-order while you purchase your ticket to avoid lines or purchase at the event!).


Interested in being a Trunk Host (handing out candy from your vehicle)? Want to order your family’s pizza ahead of time? Click the link below! There is NO COST to attend the Trunk or Treat event! You will only be asked to pay if you are purchasing pizza from Noto’s!


What else do I need to know?

  • Eucharistic Adoration continues every Thursday from 8:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m. in the Eucharistic Chapel. Sign up for your Holy Hour now!
  • The Flock: Mom’s Group meets next Wednesday, October 9 at 9:30 a.m. in the PLC. If you’re a mom in any stage of life – join us! Contact Michelle Falk for more details at
  • Older, Wiser, Livelier Seniors (O.W.L.S.) will meet on Friday, October 11 at 9:30 a.m. for coffee and treats in the PLC. Our presentation on Wild Elections To Date will begin at 10:00 a.m. RSVP to Lu Paletta.
  • Get your tickets to the HSA Fall Fundraiser on Saturday, October 19 at Noto’s! Proceeds from the tickets and silent auction will benefit our Together In Christ Capital Campaign. Sponsorships are also available. Click here for more details!

© 2024

St. Robert of Newminster Catholic Church
6477 Ada Drive Southeast, Ada, MI 49301
(616) 676-9111

SRN Mission Statement

As a Catholic community,
we proclaim the Good News
by serving God and neighbor
as we grow in loving relationship with Christ.

SRN Vision Statement

Be a vibrant, welcoming
faith community inviting
all people to know Christ
through worship and sacraments,
evangelization and catechesis,
charity and service.