Faith Formation Spotlight: Teen Disciples One Bread One Cup
From June 26-30, SRN teens journeyed to St. Meinrad Monastery for the One Bread One Cup Liturgical Conference. Our teens joined nearly 150 other teens from all around the country to grow their faith and learn more about the Mass. During the conference each teen was broken into smaller formation groups where they focused on a particular ministry that occurs during the Mass. Our teens learn skills such as Proclamation of the Word, Extraordinary Ministering of Holy Communion, Stewardship and Hospitality, Prayer in the Life of Christ, and preaching during the Liturgy of the Hours.
The themes of the Conference were Word, Sacrament and Mission. Some of the highlights from each day include during our session on the Word, Brother Zachary taught us how to break open Scripture with Lectio Divina. On our Sacrament day we learned more about the Sacrament of Reconciliation and had an amazing reconciliation service. During the Mission session we learned about taking our faith back into the world. We also had an amazing Holy Hour with Eucharistic Adoration and kicked off the year of Eucharistic Revival with a Eucharistic Processional at our closing Mass. Other fun highlights were the Crazy Hat Dance, the Ice Cream Social with the Monks of St. Meinrad and a talent show. Each day we learned how to pray, and chant, the Liturgy of Hours, celebrated Mass together, had wonderful theological reflections groups, practiced our new ministry skills and of course had lots of fun.

Michael Renauer
Pastoral Associate for Youth Ministry
(616) 676-9111 ext 118