Faith Formation Spotlight: Junior Disciples
DISCOVER!, Finding Faith in Life, is the JUNIOR DISCIPLES Faith Formation offering for grades 1, 3, 4, and 5. Using this curriculum by St. Mary’s Press, we open our sessions with prayer, read scripture together using our Bibles, discuss, play games, review what was learned using question and answer techniques to check for understanding, and close with prayer.
GO, SEEK, FIND, Discover God’s Treasures, is our Reconciliation and Communion sacramental prep program for 2nd grade and up. Preparation includes weekly sessions, a plate-painting event, and two parent/child retreats, one for each sacrament on two separate Sundays, September 24(reconciliation retreat) and March 3(communion retreat). Last year we prepared over 100 disciples to receive the sacraments! The celebration of the sacraments for the coming school year will be Saturday, December 9, for First Reconciliation and Sunday, May 5, for First Communion.
On site sessions for grades 1 through 5 meet weekly on Monday’s from 5:00 to 6:15 p.m. or 6:45 to 8:00 p.m., and Tuesdays from 5:00 to 6:15 p.m., a virtual option is also available.
SOCK HOP SOCK WRAP, Family Dinner and Service Project, is a fun way to serve the greater Grand Rapids community! We wrap socks for God’s Kitchen while we listen to music, eat dinner and sip on root beer floats! Don’t miss this opportunity to put into action one of the corporal works of mercy to clothe the naked. Monday, November 13, 5:30 to 7:00 pm in Newminster Hall.
VACATION BIBLE SCHOOL was STELLAR this year! The event was an SRN campus takeover with 100 volunteers hosting 150 campers! VBS never disappoints with prayer, music, dancing, skits, games, snack, crafts, and out-of-this-world décor! Campers and volunteers alike learned how to watch for God Sightings and SHINE JESUS LIGHT! A great way to blast off into summer break!
GRANDPARENT/GRANDCHILD CAMP hosted 40 campers this year! We learned about John the Baptist through presentations, song, prayer, discussion, games, recipes, crafts, and snacks. The three summer mornings were jam-packed and full of fun! This camp creates many memorable shared faith moments for grandparents and their grandchildren loved spending time with them.
We hope that you will participate and volunteer in all of the offerings we have for our families here at SRN, as we learn, work, and grow together as a strong and vibrant faith community!

Jolana Peard
Pastoral Associate for Junior Disciples Ministry
(616) 676-9111 ext 123