People in our churches are suffering from loss of employment, so we are walking alongside them in a Christ-like way. Stewardship of God’s resources – time, talent, and treasure – is Godly work. We are investing in yielding productive harvests of salvation and employment. EaRN (Employment and Resource Network) is a ministry venture, founded by Ken Soper, NCDA Master Career Counselor and 30+ year veteran providing career coaching and council.
The St. Robert Roundtable is an affiliate of the Employment and Resource Network and provides a support group and career coaching to unemployed and people in career transition. The group meets here every other week Wednesdays, 9:30-11:30 am, and presents a varied program. More information can be found on
Contact: Bill Weitzel, LMSW, ACSW
(616) 446-1873 |