Our hearts are full of joy and gratitude when we look back on the Christmas season here at SRN! Thank you to every guest and parishioner who celebrated with us. You made this a beautiful season!
Special thanks to our Art & Environment team for making our Sanctuary so beautiful for this special season.
All of our beautiful poinsettia plants will be available for all parishioners to take home this weekend after the 11:00 a.m. Mass!
Daily Mass will not be celebrated January 6 to 10 while Fr. Tony and Fr. Weber are away from the parish. No Confessions will be heard on Wednesday, January 8. The Eucharist WILL be exposed for Adoration on Thursday, January 9 from 8:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m. in the Eucharistic Chapel.
We are beyond excited to announce our new Marian Hall is COMPLETE – and fully furnished! Join us this weekend (January 11 & 12) after every Mass to explore the new rooms and offices and see how they will be used to support our growing parish. Light refreshments will be served in Newminster Hall. Food and drink will not be permitted in Marian Hall during the Open House. We can’t wait to share this new space with you!
Several years ago, St. Robert’s started the tradition of a “Magi Gift for Haiti.” We have tried to emulate Magi gift-giving by having a special collection to meet a special need identified by Fr. Murat. For example, one year Fr. Murat told us that there was damage to parts of his main church, so we collected money for church repairs; another year we used our Magi collection for a generator so there could be electricity at times in the church and rectory. These were very useful and appreciated gifts! Our gift this year will be to help Fr. Murat acquire food and goods for his parish and schools.
Please prayerfully consider making a donation to Fr. Murat and our sister parish, Our Lady of Nativity, in Verrettes this weekend (January 11 & 12). Because of the high prices and shortages, Fr. Murat has teamed with residents and parishioners in Verrettes to grow their own crops, which are also used for the church and for school lunches. Fr. Murat has bought land for growing food, but the land, farming, and cultivation have costs. We can’t provide the gifts of gold, frankincense, and myrrh that the Magi brought to Jesus, but we can provide something that will be very meaningful to our brothers and sisters in Christ in Haiti.
On Saturday, February 1 we will be holding our first Hope in Healing Brunch for those in our parish community who are widowed. We will begin with Mass at 9:00 a.m., where we will remember your beloved spouse, followed by brunch and fellowship in Newminster Hall. You are most welcome to bring a family member or friend with you!
If you are interested in attending, please RSVP Katie Mendenhall, Director of Pastoral Care, at kmendenhall@strobertchurch.org or (616) 676-9111 ext 121.
If you would like to join the committee to plan for this brunch and future events, please contact Katie in the parish office!
12 Hours of Eucharistic Adoration continues every Thursday from 8:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m. in the Eucharistic Chapel. At least two people are needed every hour to spend time in the quiet and still presence of the Lord. Please make sure you sign in upon arriving to the Chapel—even if you’re only here for a brief period of time. Enter through Door C.
The Sign Up Genius has been updated to reflect 30 minute increments for those unable to stay for an entire hour OR those who can stay for half past one hour to half past the next (i.e. 1:30 to 2:30 p.m. instead of 1:00 to 2:00 p.m.). Click here to sign up for your Holy Hour.
Just like our campus, we’re making big changes to our website over the month of January to better serve YOU! If you’re unable to find what you’re looking for, please contact us at (616) 676-9111 or ParishMail@StRobertChurch.org.
- Faith Formation Sessions resume this week for all formation levels! The Nursery and Sunday School will be open January 12.
- Nourish for Caregivers meeting this Tuesday, January 7 at 1:00 p.m. in Room 400. Contact Katie Mendenhall with any questions and to join at KMendenhall@StRobertChurch.org.
- The Flock Mom’s Group meets this Wednesday, January 8 at 9:30 a.m. in the PLC. Email StRobertsMomsGroup@gmail.com to join!
- NFL Playoff Watch Party hosted by That Man Is You! on Saturday, January 18 at 4:00 p.m. in the PLC. Open to all adults. Click here to RSVP.
- K of C Pancake Breakfast in Newminster Hall after the 9:00 and 11:00 a.m. Masses on Sunday, January 19.
- Catholic Schools Week runs from January 26 to February 1. Celebrate Saint Robert Catholic School students and staff!
As a Catholic community, we proclaim the Good News by serving God and neighbor as we grow in loving relationship with Christ.
Be a vibrant, welcoming faith community inviting all people to know Christ through worship and sacraments, evangelization and catechesis, charity and service.