Dear Parishioners of St. Robert of Newminster,

Thank you very much for your generosity over this past year – it is greatly appreciated! Your continued support made it possible to carry out our mission to help those in need, outreach to the many needs both in the local community and internationally, Faith Formation for our children and adults, beautiful and meaningful liturgies, parish fellowship, facility improvements, etc. Were it not for your continuous help, this would not be possible.

Offertory contributions are recorded in the bulletin on a continuous basis. Offertory is the Parish’s primary source of income, making up the vast majority of our annual budget.

Please remember St. Robert’s during this time of giving – and prayerfully consider making a special year-end gift to the Parish.

Thank you for your prayers and your support to the Parish of St. Robert of Newminister. It is greatly appreciated!

May God bless you and your family during this Advent season.

Fr. Tony Russo
Pastor of St. Robert of Newminster Parish


© 2024

St. Robert of Newminster Catholic Church
6477 Ada Drive Southeast, Ada, MI 49301
(616) 676-9111